Strength For Life.

Get Stronger With The Best Gym Strength & Therapy Equipment.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the facility and memberships.
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes, we are always here to work with you and will miss you when you're gone but we understand that life happens. All we ask is that if you have a month to month contract you tell us 30 days in advance, and with the year long contracts you tell us 60 days in advance.

Here at STS we support our members of the military wholeheartedly, so if you are getting deployed or moving, we will make sure that you are taken care of to the best of our abilities.
If I want to be a coach at STS how do I get started?
We are looking for qualified coaches to join our team! For all coaching inquiries please come into our facility and speak to one of our staff members so we can further understand what your coaching goals are!
Do any memberships come with the Sauna/Cold Plunge package?
No, all memberships have the option to add the Recovery package as an add on to their membership. The options are; 30$ a month for unlimited use for current members, 10$ single use fee for members, and 25$ single use fee for non members.
Does everyone get 24hr access?
No, to receive access to our facility’s 24hr access privilege you must sign a year contract.

Contact us

Give us a call at 619.300.7850 to speak with someone about our membership/coaching options. Or feel free to drop-in at
7818 Armour St. San Diego, CA 92111.
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